About The Socity
Kapasaria Sarbik Village Service Society(KSVSS) is a non-political, non-communal and non-profit-making Non-Governmental Organisation. The organisation has been registered by the Government of West Bengal vide it's Registration No.S/88708 of 1997-98 dated 8th December 1997 under West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961 & Unique ID Issued by NGO Darpan(NITI ayog) Portal is WB/2009/0017543. The organisation is eulogized by local Panchayat,Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad, and Government officials for its praiseworthy social welfare and rural development activities.
Legal Status
Registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, XXVI of 1961 bearing No. S/88708 of 1997- 98.
Registered under NGO Darpan (NITI ayog) Portal, Unique ID Issued WB/2009/0017543
Registered under FCRA, Govt. of India vide registration No. 147040552
Registered and recognized under Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.
Registered under 80G (V&VI) and 12A under Income Tax Act, 1961.
- Affiliated under Nehru Yuva Kendra, Tamluk, Department of Youth Affairs Sports, Govt. of India.
- Affiliated under Federation of Consumer’s Association West Bengal (State level consumer Networking Organisation).
- Empanelled under West Bengal Swarojger Corporation Limited, Govt. of India for skill development trainings
- Empanelled under PBSSD, Govt. of India for skill development trainings
- Empanelled under District SHG & SE, Purba Medinipur, Govt. of West Bengal for skill development trainings
- Affiliated under National Alliance for Women Organisation (International Women Development Organisation).
- Affiliated under VIBHA VANI, Vigyan Bharati.
- Affiliated under Rotary Club of Haldia.
- Affiliated under LIONS Club of Haldia.
- Affiliated under West Bengal Education Network.
- Affiliated under Mahishadal Block Sports Association.
KSVSS visualizes a worldwide social system, where every man and woman irrespective of caste, creed, clan, religion or economic status will have equal rights, privileges and dignity and live in society peacefully with love, respect, dignity and fellow feeling to each other. As far as development is concerned, KSVSS believes in self - sustained development with active people's participation in all it's stages.
The KSVSS is at present working in different backward villages in the district of Purba Medinipur, Paschim Medinipur, Jhargram, Howrah of West Bengal. It has also taken an entry in many other districts stands poised to work all over West Bengal in the near future.
Poorest of the poor in society with a special emphasis on the backward communities, the distressed women and wretched children including disabled and destitute persons are the target groups of KSVSS.
- To manage and administer of the society.
- To conduct skill development trainings.
- To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage schools, Libraries, Museum, Hospital, Shop, Training and Production Centres, reading room, Study Circle.
- To arrange and organizes conference , seminars, study groups, workshops and Public Literature, Periodicals, reports, news, letters, discussions, debates, excursion of topical and long-range significance to conduct research.
- To work as liaison voluntary agencies and Governmental Department for maximum co-operation eliminating duplication, procuring more-resource and ultimately securing continued improvement in standards of people including women & child welfare.
- To initiate action for promotion social welfare service in neglected areas and for meetings needs by seting up essential plot projects.
- To initiate undertake and aid directly and scheme for furtherance for the people.
- To publish or cause to published useful literatures, papers, newspapers, magazines, books etc.
- To Study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.
- To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, scientific and technical education.
- To employ and remunerate each employees and servants as may be necessary for the purposes of the society.
- To influence the formation of general social politics and programmes.
- To relive child distress and hardship by the provision of food , cloths, medical assistance, nursing care, education and to promote the welfare of the children.
- To establish, maintain and assist protective home and other institutions for the shelter and re habilitation or children in moral danger.
- To organize holiday homes, play centres, (Crèche) and Balwadies, I.C.D.S old age home and working women hostel, short stay home for children and women.
- To do all such other lawful things as are necessary, proper, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
- To organize start total, preprimary school , Nursery School, Primary, Yoga, dance, art, music, recreation, education, High School, computer, typewriting, stenography and any type of vocational training for self employment. Work education, physical education, Theatre, drama, schools and any types of school by separate name under this Society.
- To impact education in English, Bengali, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu etc.
- To open manage and organize printing press, village and cottage industries, power loom, Handloom, etc. and any other types of economic programme to develop the socio-economic condition of the people.
- To organize research centre for the cultivation of science and Technology, agriculture, horticulture, social forestry, agro-forestry and sustainable agriculture
- To help peasants adopting modern means of agriculture system in general keeping an eye with present requirements of society in Horticulture , agro forestry and sustainable agricultural and sericulture.
- Any type of animal welfare programme like poultry , dairy, piggery, goatary, dog, duckery including wild life for ecological balance.
- To undertake any type of health and sanitation programme like medical awareness, mother and child care, food and nutrition , family planning and to work individually or with Government Health Service for the prevention and treatment of disease like T.B., Leprosy, Plague, Cancer, Malaria, Leukemia , Thalassemia and like so other terrible disease and also set up Blood Bank for the above purpose.
- To undertake such programmes like Low cost house, latrines, smokeless chulla,village road and canal, culvert for the benefit of the rural people.
- To assist special programme for the pregnant mother, working women including women education and children and any type of youth development programme by arranging training and fund for the unemployed youth.
- To promote and encourage games and sports cultural programme through students and youth and arrange Jatra, Theatre, Putul Theatre, and Folk festival for the mass education.
- To undertake for the treatment, education and socio-economic rehabilitation and physically handicapped and disable persons.
- To adopt programme for the control of environment, pollution by creating social forestry arranging awareness programme.
- To receive grants, donation, fees and subscription, administer and funds at the management of any endowments, trust funds or donations (with or without conditions) the undertaking whereof may seem desirable for furtherance of any of the objects of the society.
- To raise money and funds through collections or donations or by taking advance as and when necessary or otherwise as may be deemed fit for and on behalf of the Society for furtherance of the Objects of the Society. To receive schemes and donations from any doner agency of the world.
- To enter into contracts for and in connection with any of the purposes of the society.
- To receive fund as donation, loan from individual, Govt., Non-Govt. agency, National or International Organization for the purpose of development.
- To purchase or sell the lands and construct, maintain, improve develop and alter any building, house and other works necessary for convenient for the purpose of society.
- Each subject shall be deemed to be independent and without prejudice to the other objects.
- To Engage and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee of the Society.
The income and properties of the Society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits .